Pa Tom and MyMedia Prime TV Celebrates Felix Fomengia Live on News Alakind – Man Celebration

Pa Tom and MyMedia Prime TV Celebrates Felix Fomengia, LIVE on News Alakind – Man Celebration.

It was a great honour for me to be celebrated LIVE on MYMEDIA PRIME TV. The amazing and shocking thing is I didn’t even know this was done until it appeared Live on the news.

Today, I look back at my journey in tech and career which started some 6 years ago and I see how intentional, and consistent my journey has been and how much my works and initiatives have impacted the lives of many thousands across Cameroon, I believe through this opportunity it’s going to equip and enable me do more for my country Cameroon and Africa. This is an opportunity I remain forever grateful to God, he indeed makes everything beautiful in his time.

I am honoured and can only keep doing my best.

I say thanks to everyone who has always supported us in our work. I am really grateful.

Watch the video below.

Felix Fomengia

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